2013 English Examination Practice Series: Week 2, Question 3

As we discussed in class, every week I will be posting a single examination question for you to answer. Your performance in the final examinations depends on your being fluent with the examination game – which for many of you means understanding WHAT the question is asking of you.

This week’s homework question is another READING question. This question is trying to determine how well you understand the style, language and imagery of what you read. Your spelling and grammar is not specifically assessed in this question – but your answer cannot succeed without your making specific reference to the text. It is question three, which can be seen as a comprehension and style commentary – please use examples in your answer.

For 8 marks, you would expect to take 10 minutes to read the passage and answer the question. I recommend that you complete these weekly practices in the time allocated.

While I’ve included the question sheets with these, that is just to assist you to become familiar with the format. For the purposes of this practice, I recommend that you answer on your blog. That way I can quickly mark it and give you feedback on where you (may) have gone wrong.

Week 2, Question 3

Author: Christopher Waugh

“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.” (Katherine Mansfield)

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