Spoken Language Study: An exemplar of excellent work
To follow is an example of what is possible in this assessment. Your question this year is different, however the topic area is the same. This will give you some idea of how the answer can be structured and developed. My comments should assist you to identify what the assessment criteria is looking for in this Controlled Assessment. Download (PDF,...
Spoken Language Study: An exemplar of excellent work
To follow is an example of what is possible in this assessment. Your question this year is different, however the topic area is the same. This will give you some idea of how the answer can be structured and developed. My comments should assist you to identify what the assessment criteria is looking for in this Controlled Assessment. Download (PDF,...
Spoken Language Controlled Assessment – Official Information Sheet
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Homework: Spoken Language Study
Building towards our first major GCSE Controlled Assessment, the boys’ focus is now moving from analysis and understanding to writing and explaining. The best way to be able to independently write this up-coming essay assessment is to get plenty of practice and seek feedback. That job starts tonight with the following task:
Homework: Analyse Your Own
Today everyone embarked on the process of evaluating their own spoken language transcripts in order to find the features of language that made them unique and that were characteristic of spoken conversation in general. This is the same analytical approach as we performed as a class previously so the boys were encouraged to look back at that work to guide their work today. These transcripts will be used in the actual controlled...