Notes on Emotion in Titus Andronicus

Notes on Emotion in Titus Andronicus

The following is a simple outline of the notes you need to collect in relation to emotion in Titus Andronicus. Feel free to refer to Chris White’s notes on this to help you build your own resource.

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Of Mice and Men – Character Paragraphs: Annotated Drafts

Of Mice and Men – Character Paragraphs: Annotated Drafts

As preparation for developing a piece of extended analytical writing in relation to the novel Of Mice and Men, the students explored a range of dimensions of s self-selected character and then wrote paragraphs to express their conclusions. To follow are some drafts of these paragraphs, written by students that we annotated for improvement as a class:

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Homework: Plan your Answer

Homework: Plan your Answer

Using the categories we defined in class today, tonights homework is to develop a plan outlining how you’re going to respond to the Controlled Assessment question Decide on your three strongest points in response to the proposition, and then list under each of these the categories of analysis and then some specific devices, like: 1) Spoken language is beginning to be influenced by text communication:  a) Language devices i)...

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Homework: Analyse Your Own

Homework: Analyse Your Own

Today everyone embarked on the process of evaluating their own spoken language transcripts in order to find the features of language that made them unique and that were characteristic of spoken conversation in general. This is the same analytical approach as we performed as a class previously so the boys were encouraged to look back at that work to guide their work today. These transcripts will be used in the actual controlled...

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Spoken Language Study: Analyse the Transcript

Spoken Language Study: Analyse the Transcript

After viewing the excerpt and carefully transcribing the conversation from within, today we began the process of identifying the all the features that deviate from “Standard English”. Here is the result – next we’ll be delving deeper into the linguistic and paralinguistic features of this spoken text and having our second attempt at writing up our conclusions in long form. LINKS: Original excerpt and transcript...

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Discriminating Between Spoken and Text Language

Discriminating Between Spoken and Text Language

Today we explored a wide range of language features that are typical of spoken and multi-modal language and classified them in three categories: (The boys were asked to share with each other the devices or features that they were the most interested in or uncertain of, rather than the ones they were the most sure were correct. We didn’t want the safe answers) Spoken-Only These features of language are only present in spoken...

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