Exemplar: Theme Study Written Report
This written report by Jonas Kalvis goes well beyond the minimum requirements of this task, but as such, it also provides an excellent example of where you could take this project if you want...
Theme Study: Outline
With two texts to be submitted every term, the Year 10 Theme Study is an on-going homework assignment that encourages the students to pursue a programme of thoughtful wide reading and viewing that will ultimately raise their general literary awareness. The students choose their own theme and write their journal entries into their personal blogs. Watch out for excerpts and examples from those journals to be published on here as the...
Some Thoughts on Planning
Today we explored our planning further, investigating the extent to which people’s existing plans addressed the question, and proposing some advanced approaches. Everyone was reminded that this assessment demands that they respond to the proposition in the question and take a position in favour or against it. This means the essay will be an argument in favour of your point of view and should be developed to support that view....
Homework: Plan your Answer
Using the categories we defined in class today, tonights homework is to develop a plan outlining how you’re going to respond to the Controlled Assessment question Decide on your three strongest points in response to the proposition, and then list under each of these the categories of analysis and then some specific devices, like: 1) Spoken language is beginning to be influenced by text communication: a) Language devices i)...