Of Mice and Men – Character Paragraphs: Annotated Drafts

Of Mice and Men – Character Paragraphs: Annotated Drafts

As preparation for developing a piece of extended analytical writing in relation to the novel Of Mice and Men, the students explored a range of dimensions of s self-selected character and then wrote paragraphs to express their conclusions. To follow are some drafts of these paragraphs, written by students that we annotated for improvement as a class:

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Of Mice and Men – Character Scrapbook

Of Mice and Men – Character Scrapbook

After yesterday’s brilliant in-class dramatisation of characters from Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, everyone spent today exploring facets of a selected character – creating a compilation of information gleaned by exploring the diverse methods Steinbeck uses to reveal his characters. Everyone followed the following lines of inquiry in relation to their selected character We then wrote a paragraph, selecting the best...

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Exemplar: Spoken Language Study

Exemplar: Spoken Language Study

Alex’s Spoken Language study piece provides a good representation of what a student who is achieving higher grades needs to pursue to improve further. It’s also useful as a reference point for those working towards such grades. Here is his original work with teacher annotations. You can also visit his blog to see the process he underwent to achieve this...

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Mr Waugh’s Paragraph Effort: Futility by Wilfred Owen

Mr Waugh’s Paragraph Effort: Futility by Wilfred Owen

Futility by Wilfred Owen The title, Futility, is the key to unlocking the deeper meaning of this intensely personal poem by Wilfred Owen. Owen, a young soldier who served in the trenches of World War I, writes in these seemingly simple lines of coming across a recently-dead soldier in an open field. He writes of the illogical, but somehow also profoundly understandable, impulse to move the soldier, who is still warm, into the sun to...

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Some interesting text facts
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Some Thoughts on Planning

Some Thoughts on Planning

Today we explored our planning further, investigating the extent to which people’s existing plans addressed the question, and proposing some advanced approaches. Everyone was reminded that this assessment demands that they respond to the proposition in the question and take a position in favour or against it. This means the essay will be an argument in favour of your point of view and should be developed to support that view....

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