Poetic Language Glossary
This glossary may help you in the task of decoding the language features present in the extract from Act 2, Scene 1 of Titus Andronicus, an annotated excerpt of which is attached...
Technical Terms Specific to Text Language
To follow is a list of features that are commonly found in text language. These are particular to this form of communication. They will assist you in the up-coming tasks where you begin to discriminate between language that is spoken and language that is written. Emoticons – graphic symbols representing emotions Acronyms – use of words’ initial letters to form a single new word e.g. AIDS Initialisms – initial...
GCSE Spoken Language – Glossary of Language Devices
This project provides us with an opportunity to explore our own unique spoken language and the way it communicates volumes about our age, nature, culture, and character. We will be comparing spoken language with the langue of text messaging, bbm and online chat. The variety and creativity of the South London youth dialect is one of the most fast moving and expressive I have ever come across and it represents a brilliant opportunity...